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June 3-7, 2012 • Pittsburgh, PA

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ICAA-13: Technical Program
June 3-7, 2012 • Carnegie Mellon University • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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The ICAA-13 technical program has accepted abstracts for the following symposia:

Symposium Co Chair Co Chair
Solidification and Casting Ralf Napolitano, Iowa State MG Chu, Alcoa
Phase Transformations Gary Shiflet, UVa Dave Laughlin, CMU
Thermo-mechanical Treatment Wojciech Misiolek, Lehigh Vivek Sample, Alcoa
Corrosion, Coating and Surfaces Rudi Buchheit, OSU Jim Moran, Alcoa
Fatigue and Fracture Toughness Krishnan Sankaran, Boeing HJ Schmidt, AeroStruc
Forming and Joining Kaan Inal, U Waterloo Raj Mishra, GM
Recycling Diran Apelian, WPI Dan Bryant, Alcoa
Advanced Analysis David Seidman, NWU  
Integrated Computational Metallurgical Engineering John Allison, U Michigan George Spanos, TMS
Novel Materials Ernest Chin, ARL Warren Hunt, TMS


Manuscript submission is required. Draft manuscripts must be submitted by February 15 and final manuscripts submitted by March 15. Contributed papers are limited to 6 pages in length and invited/keynote papers can be a maximum of 10 pages. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed prior to publication in the proceedings.


The conference proceedings will be published in CD-ROM format, complete with indexing features, search functionality, and help menus. Each registered participant will receive a CD-ROM at the conference. Approximately six weeks after the meeting, individual papers will be available through the Wiley Online Library:

Click here to visit the Wiley Online Library where you can purchase a copy of the proceedings.


For more information about this meeting, please complete the meeting inquiry form or contact:

TMS Meeting Services
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