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Environmental Degradation 2011 Conference: Technical Program
August 7-11, 2011 * Cheyenne Mountain Resort * Colorado Springs, Colorado

The purpose of this conference is to foster an exchange of ideas about the problems and their remedies in nuclear power plants with water coolants of today and the future. Scientists, engineers, and regulators concerned with the environmental degradation process (corrosion, mechanical, thermal, and radiation) will exchange views and present recent results through a combination of invited and contributed presentations.


View the Final Program for a complete schedule of technical sessions and topics. The following is a list of technical topic areas:

  • Emerging Issues for Extended Reactor Operations
    o Risk-Based Degradation Management for Extended Service
    o Modeling of Corrosion Processes and Probabilistic Analysis
    o Synergistic Impacts on LWR Materials in Extended Operating Period
    o Remedial or Mitigating Measures for Extended Component Operations
  • Primary and Secondary-Side Degradation of Reactor Components
    o Stress Corrosion Cracking
    o Corrosion Fatigue
    o Flow Accelerated Corrosion
    o Fouling
    o Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking
    o Other Corrosion
    o Practical experience with weldments
  • Irradiation Effects on Microstructure
    o Irradiated Microstructure Evolution
    o Mechanical Property Changes
    o Void Swelling
  • Operational Experience
    o Environmental Degradation Problems
    o Weld Repair
    o Life Management
    o Regulatory Issues
  • Other Important Areas
    o Water Chemistry Issues and Control
    o Emerging Issues Associated with Cold Working
    o Embrittlement of RPV Steels
  • Systems Covered include:
    o Reactor Vessels
    o Steam Generators and Heat Exchangers
    o Fuel Storage Containers
    o Fuel Cladding and Irradiated Components
    o Piping
    o Core Internals
    o Balance of Plant
  • Materials Covered:
    o Nickel Base Alloys
    o Stainless Steels
    o Zircaloys
    o Pressure Vessel Steels
    o Other


The conference proceedings will be published as a CD-ROM after the meeting. One copy of the proceedings will be shipped to each paid registrant when the CD is available. Additional copies of the proceedings can be purchased via the registration form at a cost of $54 each, including shipping and handling.


For more information about this meeting, please complete the meeting inquiry form or contact:

TMS Meeting Services
184 Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7514 USA
Telephone (724) 776-9000, ext. 243
(800) 759-4TMS
Fax: (724) 776-3770