8:20AM, BB1
"Auger Processes in Nanosize Semiconductor Quantum Dots:" Al. L. EFROS, V.A. Kharchenko, M. Rosen, Nanostructure Optics Section, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375; Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., MS 14, Cambridge, MA 02138
The role of Auger processes in nanosize semiconductor crystals is discussed. Three types of processes are considered: Auger autoionization of nanocrystals containing two electron-hole pairs, nonradiative Auger recombination in nanocrystals containing one external charge, and Auger-like thermalization processes in semiconductor quantum dots with only one electron-hole pair.
Auger autoionization of nanocrystals plays an important role in the process of optical degradation of the photoluminescence in semiconductor doped glasses (photo-darkening effect), colloidal nanocrystals, and porous Si. After such ionization (which is a result of the optical excitation of two electron-hole pairs in a single nanocrystal), the nonradiative Auger recombination is completely dominant over radiative recombination in the charged nanocrystal. The rates of these processes (Auger autoionization and Auger recombination) have been studied as a function of energy band parameters and nanocrystal size. The abrupt potential barrier at the temperature energy threshold known for bulk semiconductors. Our results are compared with the observed degradation both of the PL in semiconductor doped glasses and of the optically induced polarization of the PL in porous Si.
In semiconductor quantum dots with an electron level spacing much larger than typical phonon energies, Auger-like processes break the phonon bottleneck and lead to the fast thermalization of carriers. This process is described as the rapid transfer of the electron energy to scattering of a hot electron with a heavy hole in semiconductor quantum wells (the second most efficient relaxation process there). The relaxation time and its dependence on the nanocrystal energy band parameters and size is obtained. A value of ~2ps has been calculated for the electron thermalization for spherical CdSe nanocrystals, which is in good agreement with available experimental data.
8:40AM, BB2
"Self-Assembled InP Islands Grown on GaP:" Y. NABETANI, K. Sawada, Y. Furukawa, A. Wakahara, A. Sasaki, Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606, Japan
Quantum dots(QDs) by self-assembled islands grown at the initial stage of lattice-mismatched heteroepitaxy has been attracting with great interest. We have proposed that InAs islands grown on GaAs can be utilized as a mesoscopic structure and reported that they exhibit characteristics of QD. Among several combinations of lattice-mismatched heteroepitaxy, InP QD is one of the promising materials for optical applications in a visible region. Thus far, InP islands have been grown on InGaP which is lattice-matched to GaAs substrate. In this case, however, inherent phenomena at InGaP surface such as strain inhomogeneity, alloy ordering, and In segregation affect the InP island formation.
In this paper, we have grown InP on GaP to investigate the InP island
formation and its application for QD. The GaP substrate was chosen rather than
InGaP lattice-matched to GaAs which absorbs the light from the InP QD, and
further the island formation is free from intricate interactions as occurred at
the interface of InP/InGaP. Samples were grown by atmospheric pressure
organometallic vapor phase epitaxy(OMVPE) using tertiarybuthylphosphine(TBP) as
a P source. The decomposition temperature of TBP is much lower than that of PH
Trimethylindium(TMI) and trimethylgallium(TMG) were used for group III sources.
Undoped GaP was grown on (001) nominally-oriented GaP substrate at 720deg.C at
first. Then, several monolayers of InP was grown at 420~550deg.C. Growth rate
of InP was 0.25ML/s and V/III flow ratio was 10~1000. The structure of InP was
observed by atomic force microscope(AFM) and transmission electron
InP was grown two-dimensionally at least to 1.0ML with the V/III flow ratio of
52 at the growth temperature of 550deg.C. On the contrary, well-formed islands
were observed when the InP layer thickness exceeds 1.25ML. Island lateral size
was 5000 è and the height was 1000 è at 1.8ML.
Island density was 1 x 10
Island surface was terminated by four {11x} facets dominantly and some large
islands had four {110} facets in addition. Only two-dimensional nuclei and
steps were observed between islands. The island density becomes 4.5 x 10
when InP layer thickness was 8ML, though the island size remained same. With
increasing V/III flow ratio from 10 to 1000, the island becomes smaller.
Islands of 2500 è in lateral size and 300 è in
height were obtained at V/III flow ratio of 1000. Plan-view TEM observation
revealed the existence of misfit dislocations in InP island. Dislocation in
island is undesirable for the QD application. The most influential growth
parameter for island size was the growth temperature. The island grown at
420deg.C was less than 500 è in diameter. By reducing the
island size, we could succeed to form InP islands where no misfit dislocation
was found. InP growth at such low temperature was achieved by use of TBP. The
island size is almost comparable to that of InP island grown on InGaP in which
quantum effect has been confirmed.
9:00AM, BB3+
"Deposition of Self-Assembled InP Islands on Different Surfaces: Effects of Composition, Orientation, and Roughness:" C.M. REAVES, R.I. Pelzel, W.H. Weinberg, S.P. DenBaars, Center for Quantized Electronic Structures, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Quantum dots can be used to study a number of physical processes and to improve electronic devices. One quantum dot fabrication technique that has emerged is the utilization of coherent islands that form during lattice-mismatched semiconductor epitaxy. A number of semiconductor material systems have been observed to exhibit the coherent Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. When appropriate combinations of materials are used, the resulting structures are self-assembled quantum dots. One of the materials that can be used for the quantum dot is InP. When deposited on a material with the GaAs lattice constant, three sizes of InP islands are observed. The sizes of these islands depend on a variety of growth parameters (e.g., substrate temperature and deposition rate). One growth parameter that has been explored in this study is the nature of the deposition surface. The composition of the surface, the roughness of the surface, and the orientation of the surface have all been observed to affect the evolution and size of the islands.
For the case of InP deposited on a Ga
surface at an estimated growth rate of 1 monolayer/second, the growth is
initially two dimensional with the formation of three-dimensional islands after
~ 2s. For deposition on a GaAs(100) surface, the InP growth continues in a
two-dimensional fashion for approximately 5 s before the formation of
three-dimensional islands. For deposition on a moderately smooth GaInP(100)
surface (interface width ~ 5 è), the base area of one type of
island is measured to be 4 x 10
whereas for deposition on a rough GaInP(100) surface (interface width ~
25è), the base area is measured to be 10 x 10
In comparing islands formed on different orientations, we observe differences
in island size and island density. InP islands on GaInP(311)A surfaces are
smaller and more dense than the islands formed on GaInP(100). The impact of
surface composition, surface roughness, and orientation on the evolution and
resulting size of the InP islands will be detailed. These results offer
insights into heteroepitaxy as well as demonstrate flexibility in island sizes
and available material systems for quantum dots.
9:20AM, BB4+
The Role of Quantum-Confined Excitons vs. Defects in Luminescence of Ion Beam Synthesized Si Nanocrystals in SiO2 Matrices: KYU S. MIN, Kirill V. Shcheglov, C.M. Yang, Harry A. Atwater, Thomas J. Watson Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Synthesis of light emitting Si nanocrystals in thermal Si0
films is carried out using a ULSI process-compatible approach of precipitation
from a supersaturated solid solution of Si in Si0
made by Si+ ion implantation. Upon annealing at temperatures greater than
800deg.C, the films exhibit intense visible photoluminescence at room
temperature. The presence of Si nanocrystals in the samples that display
luminescence has been confirmed by high resolution transmission electron
microscopy. As it has been reported previously,
defects in the matrix also display visible photoluminescence. For this reason,
it has been unclear whether the visible photoluminescence observed in many
reports can be attributed to matrix defects or excitonic recombination in Si
nanocrystals. In order to isolate the luminescence originating from defects in
the Si0
matrix, we have performed Xe
implantation into Si0
films with similar atomic displacement profiles. Photoluminescence spectra from
annealed Xe
clearly indicated that -defects in the matrix produce a strong luminescence
band peaked at energies greater than 2 eV, which is also observed for annealed Si
We have found that hydrogen passivation can quench the matrix defect
luminescence, thus enabling other sources of luminescence to be distinguished
from the matrix defect contribution. We have thus performed deuterium
passivation of our films by performing low energy (<1KeV) D
implantation on annealed Si
samples. Deuterium was chosen instead of hydrogen since the implanted D
concentration can be precisely determined via elastic recoil ion scattering
spectrometry. Room temperature D implantation beyond a dose of 3.0x10
completely quenches the matrix defect luminescence. The remaining luminescence
band, which can be attributed to Si nanocrystals, initially remains unchanged.
Then, upon further annealing a low temperatures (<600deg.C), the intensity
of the remaining band is shown to increase by as much as a factor of two. After
suppression of the luminescence band that originates from matrix defects we
were able to observe "red shifts" in PL peak energy as a function of different
processing parameters. After deuteration, the photoluminescence peak energy has
been shown to red shift by more than 0.3 eV by varying the annealing
temperature from 800deg.C to 1200deg.C, which can be expected to yield an
increase in the nanocrystal size. Similarly, red shifts of more than 0.5 eV has
been observed by varying the implantation dose from 1x10
to 5x10
In order to investigate whether there is any effort of nanocrystal size on the
energy band gap, we also have performed high resolution X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy. The measured Si 2p binding energy attributable to nanocrystalline
Si is greater than that of bulk Si by more than 1 eV, suggesting a valence band
shift relative to bulk Si. In summary, the observed red shifts and valence band
shifts could be explained by a quantum confinement model.
T. S. Iwayama, S.N. Nakao, K. Saitoh, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1814 (1994)
9:20AM, BB4+
"The Role of Quantum-Confined Excitons vs. Defects in Luminescence of Ion Beam Synthesized Si Nanocrystals in SiO2 Matrices:" KYU S. MIN, Kirill V. Shcheglov, C.M. Yang, Harry A. Atwater, Thomas J. Watson Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
The two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) properties of high quality
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown on SiC and sapphire substrates have been
characterized and compared. The III-V nitride layers were grown by
metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on 6H-SiC and c-plane sapphire,
utilizing insulating buffer schemes optimized for each type of substrate. A GaN
layer with a nominal thickness of 3 um was grown on the buffer and followed by
the growth of a 500 è Al
donor layer. The structural qualities of the III-V nitride layers were measured
by double crystal x-ray diffraction ([[omega]]-scan). The
full-width-at-half-maximum of the GaN (0004) reflection for the GaN layer grown
on 6H-SiC was 1.8 arcmins, compared to 5 arcmins for GaN grown on sapphire. C-V
measurements confirmed that the majority of carriers were located near the
AlGaN/GaN interface.
Temperature dependent Hall effect measurements were made from 10 to 300K. A
temperature independent mobility indicative of the presence of a 2DEG was
observed in all samples below 80K. The sample grown on SiC had the highest low
temperature mobility, 7500 cm
at 10K; the carrier concentration was 6x10
The mobilities of the samples grown on sapphire were lower, the largest being
5700 cm
at 10K. Shubnikov-de Haas experiments on AlGaN/GaN heterostructure grown on SiC
showed strong magnetoresistance oscillations starting at 3T. Oscillations were
observed up to 10K. These are believed to be the lowest field and highest
temperature at which Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations have been observed in
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. The results of analysis of the magnetic field and
temperature dependences of the oscillations will be reported.
9:40AM, BB5
"Two Dimensional Electron Gas Properties of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures Grown by MOVPE on SiC and Sapphire Substrates:" J. M. REDWING, J.S. Flynn, M.A. Tischler, S. Elhamri, M. Ahoujja, R.S. Newrock, W.C. Mitchel, A. Saxler, Advanced Technology Materials, Inc., 7 Commerce Dr., Danbury, CT 06810; Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, Wright Laboratory, WL/MLPO, W-PAFB, OH 45433
The two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) properties of high quality
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown on SiC and sapphire substrates have been
characterized and compared. The III-V nitride layers were grown by
metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on 6H-SiC and c-plane sapphire,
utilizing insulating buffer schemes optimized for each type of substrate. A GaN
layer with a nominal thickness of 3 um was grown on the buffer and followed by
the growth of a 500 è Al
donor layer. The structural qualities of the III-V nitride layers were measured
by double crystal x-ray diffraction ([[omega]]-scan). The
full-width-at-half-maximum of the GaN (0004) reflection for the GaN layer grown
on 6H-SiC was 1.8 arcmins, compared to 5 arcmins for GaN grown on sapphire. C-V
measurements confirmed that the majority of carriers were located near the
AlGaN/GaN interface.
Temperature dependent Hall effect measurements were made from 10 to 300K. A
temperature independent mobility indicative of the presence of a 2DEG was
observed in all samples below 80K. The sample grown on SiC had the highest low
temperature mobility, 7500 cm
at 10K; the carrier concentration was 6x10
The mobilities of the samples grown on sapphire were lower, the largest being
5700 cm
at 10K. Shubnikov-de Haas experiments on AlGaN/GaN heterostructure grown on SiC
showed strong magnetoresistance oscillations starting at 3T. Oscillations were
observed up to 10K. These are believed to be the lowest field and highest
temperature at which Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations have been observed in
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. The results of analysis of the magnetic field and
temperature dependences of the oscillations will be reported.
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