1998 TMS Annual Meeting: Exhibitor
February 15-19 · 1998 TMS ANNUAL MEETING · San Antonio, Texas
GCD are leading suppliers of combustion and process equipment to primary aluminium smelters and will be featuring a unique Pot Bake Out system jointly developed by Comalco and GCD and exclusively licensed to GCD for worldwide distribution. The system now operating widely in Australia, New Zealand and South America offers extremely even heat up, and is predicted to extend pot life to both Pre Bake and Sodaberg cells.
Additional features include:
- Anode Stub Coater using electrostatic spraying of graphite to ensure even, dust free and highly efficient coating contributing to the quest for constant improvement in cell efficiency.
- A range of crucible driers and preheaters
- Siphon tube driers/heaters and melt out furnaces
- Stub driers/preheaters
- Cathode collector bar heaters
- Anode driers
- Fluidised Bed Heat Treatment Furnaces and Patented Hard Coating Processes based on Borides, Carbides and Nitrides.
Contact: Mr Richard Jones; Phone: +613 9764 1733; Fax:+613 9764 1523