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TMS 2009: Community Service Project
Project Date: February 14, 2009

Make the world a little "greener" by volunteering with TMS for our 2009 community service project at the TMS Annual Meeting on Saturday, February 14. Participation is free for meeting attendees and their guests!


TMS volunteers will work on the Alemany Farm to develop an organic garden, which will help feed low income families and the homeless. Our volunteers will build raised garden beds, plant seedlings, weed or turn compost bins, and lay wood chips on the paths.

Volunteer Schedule

  • 10:00 a.m. Guests board motor coach at Moscone West Convention Center
  • 10:10 a.m. Coach departs Moscone
  • 10:30 a.m. Coach arrives at Alemany Farm
  • noon Lunch Break
  • 12:30 p.m. Complete project
  • 3:00 p.m. Coach departs Alemany Farm
  • 3:30 p.m. Coach arrives Moscone

TMS is organizing this special day with the help of Hands On Bay Area, an affiliate of the Hands On Network and the Points of Light Institute, which organizes projects to meet critical community needs.


How You Can Help

  1. Participation is free for meeting attendees and their guests! Sign up to volunteer in the TMS community service project when you register online or e-mail TMS Meeting Services.
  2. If you cannot participate, you can still help make the world greener. Offset the cost of this project by making a donation to the TMS Foundation when you register online.

You can volunteer or donate when you register online or complete the PDF form for the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Space is limited.

Guests Welcome!
As an attendee, your spouse or guest is also welcome to participate in the community service project. Be sure to count him or her when indicating the total number of volunteers on your meeting registration form.


TMS 2010 Abstract Submissions
Submit an abstract for next year's annual meeting in Seattle

TMS 2011 Symposia Proposals
Help plan the 2011 annual meeting and submit symposia proposals

TMS 2012 Symposia Proposals
Help plan the 2012 annual meeting and submit symposia proposals

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