Professor White has 35 years
of industrial, teaching, applied research, and consulting experience
in the area of materials processing, failure analysis and manufacturing.
He holds degrees from the University of Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan,
and is a registered professional engineer in Ohio and Michigan. He
is the past chairman of the TMS Professional Registration Committee
and has been active in the PE exam process for 15 years. He is currently
a Professor in the Manufacturing Engineering Dept at Kettering University.
Date: Monday, February 18, 2002, 12:00 pm 1:30 pm
Location: Sheraton Seattle Hotel and Towers
Room: West Ballroom B
What is the purpose of the P.E. and why do you need it?
Chuck White, Kettering University
About the topic:
Why should you go through the pain of taking the exam for two extra letters
after your name? This tutorial will be a frank discussion about what it
means to be a professional and to hold a state license. What are the motivating
factors to take the P.E. exam? We will explore what credentials are needed
to qualify for the exam, specifications of the exam and how they were
determined, the new multiple-choice format, and the calibrations of the
exam. In addition, we will try to focus on current and future state regulatory
practices with emphasis on the ramifications of registration in the litigate
environment. Ample time will be allowed for open discussion.
Optional box lunch for $25 may be purchased at the TMS Conference
Registration desk.